I’m no Longer a Milk factory – we’ve weaned!

We have finally Weaned! ~ My little man has just turned 17 months and we have been slowing down and cutting back for the past few months.  I thought we would stop at a year but it worked for us so I kept going.  But when your little one can point and demand “Mulk” and say boobie well yeah it felt like we were approaching the end – plus lets face it he has 14 teeth now including 4 of those are molars.  So we had already widdled down to nursing only in the morning and before bed and two weeks before Christmas I cut out the morning feeding.  I think losing that morning nursing session was harder on me then him – my poor breasts were sore at work and so fill by the time the evening feeding rolled around, but my body adjusted and I was planning for the next hurdle, cutting out the night feeding. 

I had a small stay at home vacation planned for the Christmas holiday and decided we would try to tackle ending the night feeding  and slowly wean off breastfeeding.  To my surprise I came down with bacterial pneumonia two days after Christmas (still recouping from it ) and that and medicine took care of the weaning for me and little man.  We had no choice – momma had to go on strong antibiotics and steroid inhalers and you can not breastfeed on them.   So it was both a blessing and heartache in disguise.   Blessing – it sort of took the band-aid ripping approach to weaning and there was no looking back or caving in allowed – I could not let him nurse.   Heartache, I say because I secretly miss our special time together just before he would go to sleep – it really is a strong bonding experience.   Don’t get me wrong he still asks for “Mulk” from mommy now and then but he is getting use to the fact that nope mommy’s milk is all gone…. (for the most part still dealing with the drying up part)

It’s funny how you plan for something to go a certain way and life throws you a curve ball and it goes a whole different way. 

Well there’s no looking back we are over breastfeeding and completely on sippy cups.  I am part Happy and part Sad with all of this.  Happy that I lasted longer then I have ever stuck to anything in my whole entire life!!!   I aimed for 6 months and went to 16 1/2 months – I pat myself on the back for that and secretly say damn I did it!!     Yet a part of me is sad, I feel a chapter of my life is gone and  that little baby that depended on me for nourishment has moved onto his blue sippy cup of “mulk” or juice.  Also, I am sad because my breasts seemed to do the job so well and they were good working milk producers and well now they feel like they got laid off and don’t know what to do. 

Do you have any weaning stories or experience any sadness after weaning – would Love to hear about your experiences.

5 thoughts on “I’m no Longer a Milk factory – we’ve weaned!

  1. haha! I agree, about the boobs, never thought of myself as getting laid off, but your body does go through an adjustment after you stop nursing…unfortunately my boobs just turned into what I now loving refer to them as dirty sock boobs! Great job Joy! I love reading your blogs about motherhood, you give a real and very different perspective on some topics only moms care to talk about.


  2. LMAO – loved the description about your boobs feeling laid off and not knowing what to do. Maybe they could take up knitting, or scrapbooking until they get a new job? 🙂


  3. Joy,

    I commend you on how long you were able to stick with breastfeeding/working/pumping. I had the ‘luxury’ of staying home for a few months with Moriah and once I returned to work it just wasnt so easy to keep up with the supply for me…. no matter how often I pumped it just wasnt enough. I still (after being completly weaned for about 5 months now) miss our quiet bonding time. With that said I must include that I am very happy we weaned before the full mouth of teeth came….

    I wasnt able to breasteed with Christian as long as I wished and I was determined this time around to make it at least a year, didnt quite make a year BUT Im glad I was able to as long as I did.

    Our babies are healthier for it and even if we dont have the continuing bonding experiences of breastfeeding itself WE and our BABIES will always find specaial other ways of bonding.

    Instead of nursing before bedtime we read and have cuddle time… somenights we dance… somenights we sing… ;0) There are always new ways of bonding as the kiddies get older.


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