Sugarless Halloween Treats

Halloween is so full of candy and sweets that when I bring in a treat for the class Halloween party, I would like it to be a little bit healthy knowing the surgarfest that is about to come.  Here are a few treats I have brought into the classroom to rave reviews from the kids, and emphatic thanks yous from teachers for not contributing to the inevitable sugar high.


English Muffin Creatures

Cream Cheese goes a long way with these!!!!

 What you Need:

Package of English muffins

Whipped Cream Cheese (on 16oz tub made these 12 and then some)

Accessories (for the Mummies I used grapes for the eyes and half a raspberry for the mouth, for  Frankenstein I use two raisins for the eyes, and the pumpkins are raisins for the eyes and mouth  and a cucumber peel for the stem)

Piping bags and tips (or you can use plastic baggies) and food coloring

What to Do:

Cut your English muffins in half.  Mix your cream cheese and the colors you chose (I got black fondant color at the craft store).

For Mummies: Place grapes and raspberries in their places and using a flat tip Pipe white cream cheese over and around them to look like mummy wrapping.

For Frankenstein: Spread green cream cheese over entire muffin and pipe hair and face with black cream cheese. Place raisins for eyes.

For Pumpkins: Spread orange cream cheese over entire muffin, then pipe lines of the pumpkin.  Place raisin eyes and mouth and cucumber stem.


Pizza Witch Breadsticks

What you need:

Pizza dough

Green food color

Almonds (you can use a red bell pepper for those allergic to nuts)

Pizza Sauce

Shredded cheese


What to do:

Cut Pizza dough into golf sized balls.  Roll out in the shape of a finger and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Mix 1/4c water with green food coloring and paint your witch fingers.

Adorn with almond nails and add your sauce and cheese as you like.

Bake at 450 for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven.


Other fun Ideas (I don’t have pics for):

– Use small Halloween theme cookie cutters on apples and cheese.

-Cut cheese sticks in half and use a red pepper slice for a nail to make Spooky Fingers.

– Wrap half of a mini hot dog in some crescent roll dough, bake, put a dot of ketchup on the top for a Severed Toe.


I’m going to be trying to make spaghetti and meatball spiders this year for dinner, so stay tuned!


7 thoughts on “Sugarless Halloween Treats

  1. LOVE those english muffins!! This is all great. I really try to avoid all sugar all day long on Halloween…but I still want it to be a fun day. I will certainly use these!! 🙂


  2. Hi Dena,

    Thank you for posting these healthy and fun alternatives to candy. We have a Halloween party next weekend, and I’m definitely going to try the english muffin creatures. Can’t wait to see how the spaghetti and meatball spiders come out!



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