A Day in the Life of a Working Mom: Giving Thanks

Reading stories from other working-mom-bloggers over the past two weeks has revealed to me what a busy, stressed, organized, and fabulous bunch we are! My typical day is not that different from other posts that proceeded mine. My time is limited, there is a lot to get done, and I worry about everyday issues, like what to cook for dinner. However, I love the balance that I am able to achieve in my life. I love spending time with my girls, I enjoy my job, I am grateful for the relationships that my daughters have been able to form with other adults and children and the continuous learning that their teachers provide to them.

Writing down all of the events of a normal day has given me perspective; I need to be easier on myself. I accomplish a lot in a normal day, and guess what… does it really matter if my shirt is slightly wrinkled when I get to work? This exercise has illustrated something that I sometimes take for granted, the people in my life who make my life work.

3:30 AM- I wake up. I wake up at this time every morning, and so does my twenty month old daughter. Some days she rolls over, re-adjusts, and goes back to sleep. Other days she fully wakes up and she either comes into our bed or requires some rocking and cuddling before settling back to sleep.

5:30 AM- My twenty month old daughter wakes up and is ready to start her day. A big shout out to my supportive and loving husband who gets up with her in the morning! The two of them are early risers and have developed a wonderful morning routine. This allows me to keep my sanity and look halfway presentable on a regular basis.

6:30-7:00 AM- My three-year old and I join in on the morning fun.

Considering we have two young daughters, our mornings are not overly hectic. My husband and I have smoothed out most of the wrinkles in our morning routine. My husband showers while I dress the girls, wash their faces, and do their hair (which for my three-year old has become a big deal, she does have big-girl hair, after all). We make one lunch the night before and my husband makes the other at 5:30 AM. After my husband is done showering, it’s my turn. I have consolidated my morning routine. I shower, partially blow dry my hair, and put on some make-up in about twenty-five minutes.

By 8:00 AM we are all loaded in the car and headed for school. My husband takes a few minutes for himself after we leave to clean up; he downloads new podcasts to his iPod, checks ESPN.com, and quickly eats a bowl of cereal.8:15 AM- I drop off my youngest daughter at daycare. I love, love, love our daycare facility and teachers. It leaves me with such a sense of security knowing how well cared for my daughter is. They make my life easier!8:45 AM- I drop off my oldest daughter at her Magnet School. She is currently enrolled in a pre-kindergarten magnet school program, and it is phenomenal! My daughter loves school; she actually counts down the ‘stay-at-home’ days until it is time for another school day. Her teachers are fabulous and she has a fantastic group of friends. I am thankful that my daughter was fortunate enough to secure enrollment at this school.

9:00 AM- I arrive at work. I work in a busy, fast paced environment, doing work that I enjoy. I work in an environment that is supportive of working mothers. Our Office Director understands how hard it is to be a working mother. He is an amazing boss who allows me to work a reduced schedule and helps me to achieve balance in my life. I am thankful for Al and I wish that all working mothers could have such a supportive and understanding boss.

Not only do I enjoy what I do, I enjoy who I work with. I’m very fortunate that two of my best lovies work in my office…seeing them and knowing how close they are, always makes my day more enjoyable!

3:30 PM- My work day flies by. I’m off to pick up the crew. First stop magnet school, second stop day care.

4:00 PM- On the way home from school we catch up on the phone with Mee-Moo. She calls to tell new jokes, check in on the girls, or confirm when she is driving down from Vermont to babysit. This past weekend she came down to babysit, did all the laundry, made dinner, and helped us to do a home project. What would we do without her?

4:15 PM- We arrive home, pick up the mail, unload the car, unpack book bags, and do lunch dishes. Now that it is staying lighter out we have time to go outside and play. Two of our favorite things: driving in the pink car and swinging.

5:15 PM- Start dinner.

6:00 PM- My husband comes home and the four of us sit down for dinner. It is very important to me that the four of us have dinner together. We talk about our day and discuss the following day. We always ask our girls two questions: “What is the most fun thing you did today?” and “What is the funniest thing you did today?” The answers we get are priceless! It is not always easy getting the four of us to sit down together, see the picture below; this happened last night while my three year old was trying to scratch her elbow?!?

Bath time follows dinner. Usually, after cleaning up from dinner I head down to the treadmill to get in a run. I know it sounds disgusting, to eat and then work out, but it’s the only time that I can fit in, and it’s important to me.

After bath time the girls watch one TV show; usually, Dora, Bubble Guppies, Little Bear, or Olivia.

7:30 PM- Bed time for our youngest daughter. She is the easiest child to put to sleep. We read two books (currently we are on a big Clifford the Big Red Dog and Elmo kick), take fluoride, snuggle, and then lights out. Some nights she is asleep before I even leave the room. It’s a breeze putting her to bed, of course she makes up for it by waking at 3:30 and 5:30 in the early morning hours.

8:00 PM- Three-year old bed time, which is anything but easy. We read books, the past several weeks we have been working on a sight-word book collection, which she loves! Some nights it takes up to an hour for her to go to sleep. It’s frustrating, but I’m hoping it’s a phase and things will get easier.

9:00 PM- My husband and I sit in bed reading and share a bowl of ice cream. It’s a great way to end the day!

12 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of a Working Mom: Giving Thanks

  1. Its wonderful to have an understanding boss who is supportive of working mothers…. I too work for a wonderful boss who understands the importance of a mothers roll and family!!! I work shorter days and it isnt much an issue when I need to take time off!!! THIS is the reason Ive worked for him and dont mind commuting for the last 8 1/2 years!!!!


    1. Very good points. Research shows that when workplaces are more family-friendly they have much lower rates of employee turnover because it helps create a sense of loyality! Sounds like you’ve had that exact experience.


      1. Ha! I work for a women’s agency so I’m pretty lucky because everyone is very understanding about the work-life balance. Where do you work now Julie? If it’s ok to ask!


  2. I could have written this myself! I, too, work for a company that is very family oriented and supportive of working moms and offers so much flexibility – I’m so thankful for that. Great post!


  3. It’s true- what you and the other bloggers (and all the working moms out there!) accomplish on an hourly, nevermind daily, basis is amazing. And a shout out to all the dads that make this a true family effort. That familiy-work life balance is so important!
    We have come a long way in terms of the “family friendliness” of our office. Endless thanks to people like Sarah and Al for blazing that trail here. ox


  4. Great post and you make such a good point, my life wouldn’t work without the help of my husband, co-workers, friends, great daycare and ofcourse, my mom and our families! Thanks for reminding me to let them know how much I appreciate them!


  5. Phew! I am EXHAUSTED just reading about that schedule. You are an AMAZING mom that gets it ALL done. The girls are SO adorable and have such a great role model in you to look up to. We are so lucky to have such a supportive boss…..


  6. I too would love to know which magnet school she goes to??

    Also, the photo of your hubs made me chuckle, a thumbs up that early in the morning?!

    Also, also – love the photo of Marcy and Emily, how cute is Emily’s baby bump?!


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