Kids (and You!) Create: A Father’s Day Treasure

Ok ladies… Father’s Day is fast approaching! (It’s Sunday June 17th for those who need a reminder)… I just made this for my husband, the wonderful father of my two little girls, for part of his Father’s Day present and I truly think this will melt ANY daddy’s heart!


What you will need:

  • paints – a different color for each hand (I used acrylic paints)
  • canvas or nice piece of paper (I used a canvas)
  • paintbrush
  • your hand
  • Permanent marker of paint pen (optional) *I used Elmer’s Painters (paint in the form of a pen which works really well for writing with paint)

Step 1: (optional) – paint the background. I used multiple browns to create a wood-like looking background.

Step 2: Without telling him why, ask for a handprint from the daddy being celebrated.

Step 3: Once his handprint is dry (and he is not around) add your handprint directly on top his using a different paint color.

Step 4: Repeat this process with the kids’ handprints (oldest to youngest). *FYI – it’s difficult to get a newborn’s handprint. They tend to keep the hands clenched. You can tell I had a little bit of difficulty with my 3 week old daughter’s handprint but I think it’s still pretty cute nonetheless!)

Step 5: (optional) – add a meaningful quote about family or fathers. I chose to use one of my favorites – “All because two people fell in love.”  Another idea (perfect for father’s day) is “Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy.”


I hope this inspires you to get creative for that special father in your life!

5 thoughts on “Kids (and You!) Create: A Father’s Day Treasure

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