Lasagna Soup

On the weekend’s we throwback to older but still awesome posts.

This post was originally published in April of 2012.

I love it when I can make one meal and both Mike and I, and Jake can all eat out of the same pot. One for us, one for the kid. Being at work all day and rushing to get home to throw dinner together is a whole lot easier when the dinner can feed adults and baby with little to no special requests. And this dinner does exactly that!

Enter Lasagna Soup. Coming from a traditionally large Italian family, my mom hosted Sunday dinner every week for my grandparents and our family. Lasagna or cavatilli were usual suspects on the mid-afternoon menu. Why? Because it’s easy, and DELICIOUS. And over here at Connecticut Working Moms, we love easy! :) oh, and delicious, too.

Thanks to my addiction (I mean casual hobby) in Pinterest, I stumbled across a recipe for Bobby Deen’s “Lighter Tastes Like Lasagna Soup.” which can be found right here.

All of the flavors of lasagna, but throwing them all into one big old pot and simmering it on the stove for an hour? That sounded like the perfect Sunday afternoon dinner to me! I made just a few changes, but otherwise stuck to the recipe…… And the results? Nothing short of Ah-May-ZING. After coming into work raving about my newfound love for Lasagna Soup, a friend of mine tried it, and added her own spin on the recipe. (With similar raves from all those who tried hers, of course!) You can check out her version here.

Jackie’s Lasagna Soup

Here are the changes I made:

  1. I used 1 package of Perdue extra lean ground chicken instead of Italian sausage
  2. I added extra lasagna noodles, for a total of 8
  3. I stirred in about 3 tablespoons of Boursin cheese. It needed a little extra creaminess, and the Boursin was all I had on hand. I think you could substitute 3 TBS of cream cheese, ricotta, or even a few tablespoons of heavy cream if you have it.

And here are the results. (Mike and I did the same thing as Jake, but we didn’t want to get our iPhones all gunked up with sauce and pasta to take pictures of each other). Hah. totally kidding. But I did lick my plate. True Story.

Marie’s Lasagna Soup (or what’s left of it).

3 thoughts on “Lasagna Soup

    1. We made it, loved it, and have eaten it the past two nights! (we made the full-fat-full-fun version. 😉 ) Thank you, Marie! It’s a new favorite!


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