Sarah Bernhardson

CTWM Head HRE-4584

Bio: Sarah lives in eastern Connecticut with her husband, Dave, and their two sons, Nate and Joshua. She recently completed her Master’s in Elementary Education at Eastern Connecticut State University and now works part-time as a museum educator at a local children’s museum. While pregnant with her firstborn, Sarah was puzzled when more seasoned mothers she knew broke into raucous laughter when she complained that she might be bored while her newborn napped all day. Perhaps she’d brush up on her French, remodel a few rooms, or maybe learn to quilt? Now a mom of two active boys, she is wiser, and has learned the fine art of typing a research paper at 1:30 am while nursing a baby, and, perhaps more importantly, the ability to laugh at her pre-baby image of life as a mother.

Tip for Other Working Moms: “Learn to accept “good enough” for the stuff that doesn’t matter. Your kids probably won’t remember exactly how many dust bunnies were under your couch when they were little…but they will remember the time they spent with you!”

Read all of Sarah’s posts here.

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