A Day in the Life of a Working Mom: Kris-Ann

4:20 a.m.- And so it begins. I’m woken up by the pitter patter of little feet. Ben thinks his pjs are wet, but really it’s just his diaper. Change him and he easily falls back to sleep. Wish I could.

4:25 a.m. – 5:20 a.m.- My mind is racing. I always have a hard time falling back to sleep when I’m woken up at this hour. I consider getting up to do some work, but don’t want to wake the boys…that and I’m exhausted.

5:50 a.m.- I’m supposed to get up and get into the shower but decide to wait a bit and skip washing my hair. It’s a decision I know I’ll regret.

6:30 a.m.- I’m showered and getting dressed. My husband drops something in the shower and the boys wake up. It’s a half hour past their normal wake up time, so it’s fine. We head downstairs, turn on the TV and I head to the kitchen to get them a cup of milk.

Notice Ben's face. He's mad that Clifford isn't on.

6:35 a.m.- Head back into the living room to give Ben some extra cuddles. He’s still mad that Sid the Science Kid is on instead of Clifford. Sometimes they don’t quite understand that shows come on at a certain time. They just know that when they get up, it’s time for Clifford. Head back into the kitchen and thank my lucky stars that it’s pizza day at the daycare center and I don’t have to make lunch for them. I get my breakfast together.

6:45 a.m.- Husband comes downstairs. I ask him to make me a coffee so I can go back and finish getting ready. I’m definitely regretting not washing my hair and wish I had a cute black headband so my messy ponytail looks more purposeful and not so lazy.

6:55 a.m.- I’m already running late so I skip making my lunch and hope I’ll have time to grab something at the office later. Kiss everyone goodbye and head off. I’m supposed to be at the office at 7:00 a.m. Oops! My husband will get the boys dressed and drop them off at the child care center.

7:07 a.m.- On my way to work. Realize I forgot my coffee.

7:10 a.m.- Arrive at the office. My tardiness will not be noticed since the place is empty until about 8:30 a.m. I settle in for a full day.

11:10 a.m.- Contemplate running out to get lunch for later since I have a few minutes, but check email first and see something I need to attend to instead.

12:30 p.m.- Need to run to the bathroom, but it’ll make me late getting Max to preschool. It can wait. Leave to get Max at the center.

1:05 p.m.- Preschool drop off. I eat an apple in the car on the way back to the office since I know I won’t have time to grab lunch.

1:17 p.m.- Arrive back at the office with enough time to skim email before going into a meeting. Still haven’t used the bathroom.

3:15 p.m.- Meeting ran a few minutes late so now I can’t pick up Ben (who is at the center in my office park) before getting Max at preschool. Text husband to see what’s for dinner.

3:30 p.m.- Preschool pick up. Max informs me I forgot to pack his snack. Head back to office park daycare to get Ben.

4:15 p.m.- Leave center carrying Ben as he screams and hits me and urging Max to please follow me. This happens every day. I give them plenty of 5 minute, 2 minute, 1 minute warnings and even do a puzzle or play a game with them before leaving, but it’s a struggle to leave each day. The whole way home Ben cries that the radio is too loud, the radio is too soft, he doesn’t like the song, it’s too sunny (even though it’s overcast).

4:30 p.m.- Boys want to play outside for a bit. I go out into the backyard to clean up all of the dog poop that’s been accumulating there for weeks. Then, I finally get to use the bathroom! The boys continue to play nicely together so I take a minute to unpack the lunch boxes (found that snack I “forgot” to pack, right in the bottom of the backpack), throw in a load of laundry, eat my way through half a block of cheese and check a few blogs.

5:00 p.m.- Play several games of Go Away Monster, spin the chair (one sits in the chair and the other spins it) and start a few puzzles.

5:50 p.m.- Start dinner for the boys. Pasta tonight. It’s take out night for the parents!

6:05 p.m.- Witching hour begins. We’re all anxious for Daddy to get home, Max bites Ben (as he does every day, all his ADHD symptoms are in full force this time of day), no one will actually sit and eat, the dog wants someone to pay attention to him and the toys are still all over the floor. Finally Daddy comes home and I have a break down. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with having to deal with the hardest time of day (in my opinion) alone, every day. I feel like I don’t spend enough time with the kids in the afternoons because I’m so distracted. I know it’s partially my fault why they act the way they do, and that makes it harder for me to handle.

6:50 p.m.- Daddy is off to get a haircut and the boys and I settle in to complete one more puzzle.

7:15 p.m. – Bath time and bed time routine

7:45 p.m.- Light’s out!

8:00 p.m.- It’s quiet upstairs. I throw in another load of laundry, place an order for dinner, and settle in on the couch for some TV (and a glass of wine).

10:00 p.m.- Light’s out for me too.

7 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of a Working Mom: Kris-Ann

  1. Kris-Ann this is quite the day!! I’ll never forget when Jake started the whole “happy hour” business right before dinner. oh that was so trying on my patience!!! When are you guys moving back down to CT? Mike and i still can’t believe we’re actually seriously (and actively) looking around at houses in Berlin. Isn’t it so funny how that happens!? We’re looking in the Griswold School area.


    1. Thanks Melanie. The first time I served that pasta, my kids wouldn’t eat it so I was praying they’d eat this time! One did, one didn’t so my outcome was 50% better than last time 🙂

      We’ve narrowed down our towns to Berlin, Cromwell, West Hartford and Glastonbury, but are still trying to figure things out (you know, like rent or buy, public school or private).


  2. You are such a strong person!! I also feel the same way you do about the night-time witching hours. My husband starting school recently so I do both the morning and night-time stuff and the baby is always a huge crab when I pick her up from daycare, then while I’m home with her, literally until my husband gets home because she wanted him. Awesome.

    I love your honesty about your day – being a working mom is so hard! Great post!

    p.s. this is totally unrelated but you now have me addicted to gossip girl, I should have put that in my list of confessions today in Kate’s post!


  3. I feel really bad complaining of my 6:15 alarm clock! What a day! I often find myself feeling guilty about meltdown behavior, since I know my kids are partially triggered by lack of one on one attention from me (while cooking, cleaning, running around like a chicken with no head!). But we do our best to stay sane, and sometimes have our own meltdowns, our kids will sutvive because overall we are good moms. Rock on, Mama!


  4. I 100% agree that the pre-dinner time is THE WORST time of the day. Hands down. I LOVE when I have grad school and just miss it totally…I hate it. And honestly, mine looks a lot like yours!


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