A Day in the Life: Always on the Move

5:20: I hear the pitter patter of little feet coming down the hall, then his little face close to mine. “Mommy. I need to change”. Ev put Don to bed last night without going to the bathroom. I was hoping he’d make it all night or come get me before going.  Alas, he’s wet so I roll out of bed (and I mean roll…I’m 8 months pregnant) change Don and his sheets in the dark and am back to bed by 5:30. Don comes back in at about 5:50 asking for cuddles, this is a new thing he’s been doing.  I love to cuddle, but Don prefers to jump, so I bring him back to his bed to cuddle with his toy dinosaur.

6AM: Alarm goes off. Only get one snooze  this morning because Ev and I have an appointment with our accountant at 8am and need to be out of the house by 7:15. On a typical day I need to get out of the house by 8.

6:10: Out of bed. Time to brush teeth. Don’s cooperating this morning and after we brush takes me up on my offer to tuck him back into his bed so he can read books while I shower. Ev will be up soon but needs just a few more minutes to take in the warmth of the bed.

6:25: Shower done. Time to get dressed, do makeup and blow dry the front of my hair. I go to work with a wet head…my hair dries by mid day and until then, whatever. After I get ready, I head in to get Don dressed. Once the books got old, he joined us in our room and has been singing to us and asking me questions about my makeup. Ev heads downstairs to get Don’s lunch going.

6:50: Ready to head downstairs. Ev gets Don set in the living room. I know we have to leave by 7:15 today, so I have Ev put Arthur on. Arthur has two 15 minute stories.  If we put on Nick Jr, we would have a lot of drama getting Don to leave a show in the middle of a show.  In the meantime, I finish Dons lunch, pack a snack for myself (today I have meeting where I get lunch, most days I pack my own) and make breakfast for Don and I. Don eats breakfast in front of the tv while I finish the lunch and get my bag packed. Ev turns on my car. I get Don’s shoes on while he eats in front of the tv.  First half of Arthur is over. Tv goes off, coat goes on and we’re out the door by 7:15. Don has been such a trooper this morning so he gets a donut for the car ride! He’s obsessed with Donuts.

7:30: I bring Don into daycare. Sign him in, give air hugs and kisses and am back in the car and off to pick up Ev at his parking lot downtown. This is unusual but today we are heading to the accountant. Usually I get Don to daycare by 8:15 and get to work by 8:30.

8:05: We get to the accountant up by the airport. We do our taxes and are back in the car by 8:30. I drive us back to Hartford, drop Ev at his office and head to the Legislative Office Building for a legislative breakfast/press conference. Press conference runs short. Back into the car and off to the office by 9:35.

9:45: Time to catch up on emails, check on legislative bills, and  read some news.

11:15: 32 week pregnancy visit to the doctor.

12: I’m enrolled in the Leadership Development Roundtable Program for work, so off to the Lyceum for a two hour leadership session.

2: Head back to the office. More emails. Conference call. Prep for a webinar I’m speaking on tomorrow. Review the Governor’s Education bill in prep for a meeting tomorrow. Send some emails. Send tweet. Call it it a day.

5:10: pick up Don from daycare. Feel guilty he was there  longer than I’d like, but today we had the early appointment. Don gets to take a book home from school because he was a good listener. This means he also gets to watch some tv when we get home…our treat to him for being a good listener!

5:25: Home sweet home. Set Don up to watch some tv. I head up to change and now it’s time to workout in the kitchen. When I’m not preggers I do a morning run but since I’m enormous it’s either an early evening walk if the weather permits or a workout video.  While the video gets loaded, I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. During the workout I have to pause to put on Don’s dinner and help him pee in the potty.

6:15: Workout over.  Hang with Don for the end of his show. Clean up Don’s dinner and then head upstairs for bath time. After bath, time for pjs and back downstairs to hang out. Ev calls and says he can grab a pizza on the way home.  Tonight Don wants to read a book and play with his sticker book. Other nights it’s blocks or chasing Dad around the house. Don and I hang until Ev gets home with dinner.

7:30: Goodnight hugs for Dad. Upstairs to brush teeth and go to the bathroom before bed. Don asks to read to me tonight. We read two books. I tuck Don in and head downstairs for dinner.

7:45: Pizza with Ev in front of the tv. Hang for a little and then Ev is off to his man cave for video games and I watch tv and surf the web on my iPad.

10: Off to bed. Another day is done!

5 thoughts on “A Day in the Life: Always on the Move

  1. I live in NH but saw this site on a friend’s page… today was my first day back after my maternity leave, & I appreciated hearing how someone actually pulls it off!


    1. Cynthia, thanks for visiting and congrats on your little one! If you haven’t seen our other posts, we’re each posting about a day in our lives as working moms. Just in case you need more encouragement! 🙂 Best of luck to you!


  2. I was going to write almost the same thing Dena! Each one of us uses the tv – wouldn’t it be amazing, like seriously amazing if we did a big-screen tv giveaway?!?! A girl can dream…


  3. Gosh, we are all so busy!!! And I think it is interesting that each of us has used the TV as an occupier in the am, pm, or both! Gotta do what you gotta do!


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