Fake Success

It was an interesting week to reflect on parenting concerns when it comes to helping your child succeed. I had just finished Michele Obama’s autobiography, Becoming on the same day that news broke of the college admissions scandal. Becoming is absolutely amazing, by the way, and I hope people read it even if they aren’t… Read More Fake Success


I tried to make this short, but there’s just so much to say. In the past 15 months, we moved out of our townhouse of 12 years, moved into a rental 45 minutes away to “try it out”, struggled a bit, then bought an entirely new home back in the original place and spent 6… Read More Home

Finding Ground

I feel like we spend a lot of time as working moms running and swirling through our days trying to keep all of the balls in the air, all while trying to keep our feet on the ground. What I’ve realized in all of this is that sometimes, we lose that ground. I’m realizing that it… Read More Finding Ground

Coming out again…and again

Raising children in a 2-mom household may come with challenges, but we have always been up for whatever comes our way. When my wife and I decided to have kids, we knew we’d need to be 100% comfortable with each and every question, confused reaction, conversation and (God forbid) animosity, that came with our choice to bring children into our lives. But I cannot forget that we are different.… Read More Coming out again…and again