Ode to Manic Depression

What can you say when your heart turns to gray

When your insides turn out for all to see?

What can you say when you’re in so much pain you bleed out over everyone you meet?

When you push away the people you cannot keep?

What can you say to keep the monsters at bay, when they’re already inside of you?

Roaring, thrashing, clawing to crawl out

They beg, they plead, and they bargain with you

This time will be the last you think and let them all out for a drink

They fool you again, overcoming your all, they compete, and yell at you to take their fall

You comply because your insides are black

Oh, you didn’t know that?

Everyone else is made of red and pink

But your insides, dear, are dirt and they stink

Bubbling over through your veins, out your mouth and into your brain

You bleed and bleed and bleed out over the pressure

To not be too much, to not feel too much, to not be…

You romance me, whisper in my ear that you can make me like myself again

I know this is a lie, you are a traitor, but I believe you regardless the key to my danger

as you turn from dirt and stink to red and pink

You crawl over me, into my veins

Twisting what was rusted, into something now brilliant and not full of shame

Everyone loves you now, your heart that was gray is now charismatic

Your vision is clear and you’ve got a plan

You’re not bleeding over anyone, man!

The faster you go, the more you can do!

You don’t need anyone waiting for you!

You’re incredible, magnificent, spectacular indeed!

Your world is holding on by a seam, and you have no idea what about to become

Because that bitch, Mania, she’s going to run!

As fast as she came, she’ll leave you be

But not after she ruins how your life could be

Laughing maniacally, she wins one more time

Slivers out of the red and pink

Back into to dirt and stink

The monsters they start to shrink

Your heart turns to gray and your insides are black

What can you say about that?

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